Wednesday, February 20, 2008


It seems significant to me that I have chosen The Wizard of Oz to be the metaphor for rediscovering my life and there is a scene when they write the words Surrender Dorothy in the sky. What is also significant to me is that even as a small child, I'm talking 6 or 7, I always wanted to know who the message was intended for - was it to the people of Emerald City, as in you better surrender her...or else? Or was the message to Dorothy - as in Dorothy you need to surrender?

Today, I have decided to retire from the debate society and say it is the latter. Because the former doesn't help me, but the latter does. I need to learn the lesson of surrender, I need to give myself over to it, let it wash all over me.

I love analogies and metaphors, have you noticed? I frequently talk about "Who is driving the bus?" Because I keep thinking that I am driving the bus and if I could just do a better job of it, this old beat up bus might actually get somewhere, so I spend all my time kicking myself and kicking the bus, and then coming up with new schemes to move the bus. Maybe if I push here, or call this tow truck I can move this dented ass bus. And when it doesn't work out, I kick myself some more and put some fresh dents in the bus. And we are still in the parking lot. I need to get clear with the concept that my butt is a passenger on this bus, I am not the driver and as much I am terrified to admit it, I don't have control of this bus. Deep Breathe!

Instead of pushing and kicking this bus - I need to buy a ticket and get on the bus. This is the surrender, willingly getting on for the ride, keeping both eyes open to the adventure, trusting that no matter where the bus goes it will be okay. That makes my eyes water and my gut screams, "What if I can't handle it, what if it is something terrible?" I don't even want to give voice to all of the negative things that swim through my head.

Surrender was hard when I was single and childless; learning how to surrender with a child is the hugest leap of faith. Ahh that is the truth - the leap of faith. Letting God drive the bus, trusting God. Can I do it? Minute by minute, maybe - but I have to start. I'm missing the miracle if I don't.

Okay, here, right now - I surrender my life to the will of God, all that I am, all that I have; I surrender to God's will, which is so much greater than mine. Deep Breath. The phone rings - a bill collector, for a bill I cannot pay. I surrender, it's bigger than me. But God can handle all things. God's will not mine. I surrender. I surrender, I surrender, I surrender.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Changing Your Life in Seven Days

I set some goals last week - things that I want to change about different areas of my life, now it's time to look back and see if I actually took action and if there were results.

One of the goals was to stop talking on the cell phone while in the car with my son. He is 4 years old and recovering from autism so his speech is delayed although coming back. I really want to have more conversations with him and car time is ideal time to talk to him. I called the three people I tend to talk to the most and said that if they heard me talking to them on the phone with Jem in the car to hang up on me. I don't know why I was surprised but they were incredibly supportive and have even asked me a few times if Jem was in the car with me will talking to them. He wasn't. There was only one time when I had to conciouslly put the phone away, because I wanted to make a call. The rest of the time I chatted with Jem. I noticed several things, first his behavior was better when we got out of the car, second his speech was better, in term of diction. And last but certainly not least his speech was more conversational in just one week.

In terms of diet it took me several days, and ultimately I was helped out when my diet partner called me. I told her that she must have been reading my mind. We have both been able to stay on our program for 5 days now and we are talking to each other everyday. I feel much better, although this alternates with times where I feel like I'm dying not dieting. Things are already starting to fit better and my body is releasing water like a mad thing!

I have also found the opportunity to be loving to my husband at least once a day and that has also yeilded good results, he has also been more attentive and when we had a big "discussion" mid week I was much more able to communicate my feelings and I think he was more able to listen.

Those were the actions that I actually followed through on - the other stuff - not so much - not yet. However there was other progress. I attacked our bedroom and the Kitchen in an attempt to de-clutter them. I got a great deal done, more needs to be done, but I have accepted that I am incapable of doing it all at once.

And I also did a mini (and I do mean mini) mailer for my business in an attempt to drum up additional business. All in all I'm really proud of myself.

I wanted to change my life in seven days, well I did - not like I had enviosioned, after all it's still recognizable but strength over time equals power.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Progress...Not Perfection

So this week there has been a lot of progress, but not perfection. This is good. After all its a journey, right? I made my name it claim it list and I took action on a great deal of it. I called the three people I am on the phone with the most and told them that I am no longer going to talk on the cell phone when I have Jem in the car with me. I want to have another speech breathrough with him and at this moment I can not afford the B-12 shots, but I can afford to speak to him at every available moment.

Since then I have not talked on the phone with him in the car and we have had great talks both in an out of the car. Today we went to 4 grocery stores - my reality - and we had the very best day. We laughed and talked and it wasn't a struggle, we waited in line and he wasn't perfect, but there was progress.

At one point we were in Trader Joes and I saw a young mom walking out with her 4 year old daughter who was chattering away - and the thought rose up - How come she gets a normal child - which my head answered -Because she couldn't handle what you got. And then it was like I heard a voice in my head say, "God only gives you what you can handle, so he must have great faith in you." And I realized in that moment that Jem's autism is gift to all of us, but especially me. It has caused me to be strong, it has helped me to define my role as a mother, and truly God must count me as very special to have trusted this remarkable little life to me. I am so lucky, so blessed. And Jem is lucky to have me too. This is so much more rewarding than the victim mentality I sometimes get trapped in. Real progress

I have remembered to be loving at least once a day to my husband, which is pathetic - but progress. And I charged what a job was worth the other day - okay that's not 100% true - I charged $150 more for it than I had planned to - because I constantly feel like I should give my work away. But I charged it, the client kind of did a double take but wrote the check and told me how worth it the money was - Talk about progress!

I called Tova and will start my diet program tomorrow - I will talk to her every day and do writing about my food issues every day.

I watched Oprah last night - I had DVR'd the show with the organizational expert. It was painful to watch. It is all stuff that I believe, living it is somewhat harder. I have been trying for the last year to reduce our clutter and there has been progress. But last night I felt that it was urgent to attack the kitchen and the bedroom. I did - the bedroom got done first. I have to admit that it wasn't hard to do because I had just done it before Christmas. But it had gotten quite bad while Jem was sick the last 3 weeks. Then I attacked the kitchen - it is not done, but progress was made. There is that one corner that no matter what I do it is always a mess. I had it totally clean before Christmas and it looked like a paper factory exploded.

As I was cleaning it up, I was talking to myself about why that corner cannot stay clean. I realized that it is the corner that symbolizes my lose of control of my life. It is where the therapist keep all of the files and books for Jem's case. So in a large sense, I really don't have control of that area of the counter. I have five people taking the stuff out and putting it back, and sometimes they don't get it put away properly. In a larger sense it reprents my entire loss of control of my life because of autism. I have strangers coming into my house and moving my stuff around, sometimes reducing my child to tears, while I am trapped in the office listening and trying to eek out a living.

My resentment for that corner was so clear to me as I cleaned. I kept thinking that it sucked that I had to have this ugly file system on my counter shouting to the world - Look, we don't get to lead a normal life.

So I decided to move the files off the counter, I moved some stuff around and put them underneath the counter. I stepped back to admire my handy work, expecting to be pleased, but I wasn't. It didn't look right. And I realized that resentment or no - this is my life and I don't want to hide it under the counter. This is what we have chosen as a family - to work our asses off to give Jem every chance. The files deserve to be out where everyone can see that our life is NOT normal, it's extraordinary. In that moment I realized that I had been taking my anger and frustration out on the files, but the truth of the matter is the files are what is right with my world, they and the stranger therapists (most of whom are far from being strangers anymore) are what is saving my son.

I looked at the files with new eyes, the eyes of gratitude. I thought of what the clutter expert on Oprah had said about giving the proper respect to things that deserve them. Those files deserve more respect than anything else in my home. Somehow I don't think it will be a problem to keep that corner clean anymore. Progress.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Naming It!

Dr. Phil says you need to name it to claim it. So I'm naming it. About several things that I want to manifest in my life. I have noticed lately that when I am 100% clear about what I want and I speak it out loud that the heavens seem to part and hand it to me -so I am going to get clear on everything! I am going to make some short term goals, plan some action, build in accountability and then turn the ultimate results over to God . I have broken it down into categories:

Global Good -
Ultimate Outcome: Help hundreds of families with autistic children get the help they need when they need it
Short term goal: Help one family
Daily Action: Write in my autism diet blog and get The Jem Autism fund started
Timeline: 50c3 filed by the end of 2008
Person(s) I will be accountable to: Karen
What is neccessary in order to begin: Legal advice-Call Doug
Mental Focus: I have the power to help other children in Jem's name, so that his having autism will have been tranlated into something good.

Health -
Ultimate Outcome: Feel and look healthy
Short term goal: Lessen anxiety & hormonal side effects
Daily Action: Money mantra stretches
And aeorobic activity at least 3x per week
Timeline: 30 days
Person(s) I will be accountable to: Bet with Natasha, Therese and Jim
What is neccessary in order to begin: nothing
Mental Focus: Health and exercise are a gift that I give to myself and I am worth it.

Diet -
Ultimate Outcome:Weigh 165
Short term goal: Lose 10 lbs.
Daily Action: Writing and following food program
Timeline: 30 Days
Person(s) I will be accountable to: Tova
What is neccessary in order to begin: Trip to grocery store/ veggies
Mental Focus: Everything is easier, especally connecting with God when I eat properly.

Love -
Ultimate Outcome: Have a 2 way Passionate relationship with Jim
Short term goal: Be more physical with Jim
Daily Action: Commit loving act 1x per day
Timeline: 30 days
Person(s) I will be accountable to: Jim
What is neccessary in order to begin: Nothing
Mental Focus: My relationship with my husband is a gift, that needs watering or it will wither and die.

Motherhood -
Ultimate Outcome: Have conversations with Jem
Short term goal: Have Jem ask questions
Daily Action: Talk to him in car instead of talking on the cell phone
Timeline: 90 days
Person(s) I will be accountable to: Mom, Therese, Natasha
What is neccessary in order to begin: Nothing
Mental Focus: I have a window, Jem will never be this age again, I need to be present whenever possible.

Education -
Ultimate Outcome: Play Guitar
Short term goal: Play 1 song
Daily Action: Get out guitar
Timeline: 30 Days
Person(s) I will be accountable to: Jim
What is neccessary in order to begin: New string/guitar repair
Mental Focus: It is good to learn new things for myself and for Jem.

Creative -
Ultimate Outcome: Be creative everyday
Short term goal: Create every day
Daily Action: Finish Pilot
Timeline: 30 Days
Person(s) I will be accountable to: Ally
What is neccessary in order to begin: nothing
Mental Focus: I am a creative person, it is a gift I must cultivate and share.

Monetary -
Ultimate Outcome: Be independently wealthy
Short term goal: Make more than 3,000 per month
Daily Action: Work everyday
Timeline: 30 days
Person(s) I will be accountable to: Therese
What is neccessary in order to begin: Nothing
Mental Focus: I am the beloved and I have God given wealth.

Career -
Ultimate Outcome: Direct film, publish books, develope television show
Short term goal: Get autism children’s books published
Daily Action: Submit to publishers
Timeline: 30 days
Person(s) I will be accountable to: Sandra
What is neccessary in order to begin: Nothing
Mental Focus: God has a plan for my storytelling passion.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Oprah is my Fairy Godmother

Most days I fantasize about the Publisher's Clearing House coming to my front door. But every now and then I fantasize about Oprah showing up on my doorstep. In my fantasy she comes with a small camera crew and a plan to recreate my life. There is a trainer who is going to make sure that I work out, there's an organizational expert who will organize my whole house (with my help so I actually learn how to do it and maintain it). Suze Orman comes and fixes my money wounds and talks to my creditors. There's a life coach who looks at all of my skills and helps me to create a plan that immediately fixes my money woes but adresses my long term career goals as well. There is a hair stylist who gives me the makeover of a lifetime and of course someone puts me in an outfit that takes 20 years and 50 lbs. off of me. Sigh.

Then the fantasy gets crazy - Oprah has found someone to sponsor our family. They are going to give us a house with a back yard - some days the house if ours rent free for two years, other days they just give it to us for keeps! And they help us to adopt a teenage girl from Africa, a five year old deaf boy from LA County and a little girl from China - or some other country that needs little girls looked after. When the fantasy is in full tilt they pay off all of our debts, including my student loans, fund our autism charity and get me a job where all I do is think up ideas for television shows.

If I have ten minutes a day to have this fantasy it is tranformational. It is so empowering. I love this fantasy - but sometimes it makes me feel guilty, I am so blessed, surely there are other needier people who are more deserving of a great fairy godmother like Oprah. So some days I talk myself out of the fantasy.

Now the ruby shoe reality is that I am capable, on some level, of creating all of these things without Oprah ever coming to my door. True, Oprah can make it happen in seconds and it may take me a life time, but it is a fantasy worth pursuing.

Soooooo, my first act on my journey to my ruby shoes is to embrace my fantasy. In fact, I am going to act as if it is already true. All of the things in my fantasy, I already have them! And Oprah Winfrey is my Fairy Godmother! This is my new reality. And the world can call me crazy, but I have a grin on my face I can't wipe off and right now everything feels possible.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

In the Beginning...

My whole life it seems like I have been waiting. For something to happen, someone to save me, something to change so that everything will suddenly make sense, life will be easy and carefree, I will be doing what I love and feel passionately about and money will be abundant.

At different times in my life different things have worked out. When I was younger I was able to pursue my many creative passions, but while I was doing that money was scarce, friends were abundant but there was no love interest and I had no children, and I desperately wanted children. Then for a while money was not as much of an issue, still no love, no children and friends were scarcer (my job forced me to be far from friends and family). Now I am married and have a fabulous son and good friends abound, but there is less than no money and no time for creative endeavors (at least it feels that way).

I long to have it all at the same time. I believe it is possible. I know that it is possible. I have always believed in the Ruby Slippers. You know when the Good Witch says to Dorothy, "You've had them the whole time." I think that what I have been waiting for my entire life is to realize that I already have everything I need, I just need to look down. I've had this revelation before but now in an effort to hold myself accountable I am going to write down my journey to my Ruby Slippers and when I am done with my journey I will fully possess all of the riches that are already in my life but that I somehow can't quite grasp.

My hope is to find my own Ruby Slippers and if one person reads this and finds their Ruby Slippers as well then I will have done something worthwhile